The SW Portfolio is a collection of artifacts documenting the entire SW process. It is an online Box folder shared between the mentor and mentee, in which students synthesize, reflect on, and document their journey through SW. Students are expected to produce their SW Portfolio following the formatting guidelines provided by the Office of Signature Work. Collectively, it is a digital archive of SW at DKU. The portfolio also includes the final written SW paper, SW Paper abstract, SWCE materials, and other documentation. Every student is expected to produce their own SW Portfolio, regardless of whether they work individually or in a team. The SW portfolio will be graded as part of the overall SW grade. 


SW Portfolio Box Format and Required Materials



  • The SWPP: The Signature Work Project Proposal  (PDF)
  • RCR Certificate (PDF)
  • IRB Protocol and Approval if Required (PDF)
  • The SW paper abstract (PDF)
  • Documentation of the Creative/Design product if the project was a Creative/Design SW type
  • The Final SW paper (PDF)
  • A list of 3 thematic courses.
  • A digital poster of the SW project (PDF). This will also be used for the SWCE.
  • A 3–5 min video presentation of the student’s SW. This will also be used for SWCE.
  • Any additional materials such as multimedia documentation, research journal, sketches, prototypes, or more can be added to the DKU portfolio.

SW Portfolio Box Format and Folder Structure

Formatting instructions will be provided in each SW Portfolio Box folder