Each student will produce a final academic written work similar to a UG thesis that synthesizes and concludes the outcomes of their SW project. There are two types of written components, depending on which type of project students choose: scholarly papers or creative/design explanatory texts. Scholarly SW papers are broadly concerned with generating original academic research. Creative/Design SW explanatory texts accompany a substantial non-academic product – a work of art, a business model, a policy paper, etc. Both types include a short SW narrative that explains your SW project and how your thematic courses are linked to the SW topic. 

Scholarly SW products consist of this paper, the final public presentation of the SW project, and the SW portfolio. Creative/Design products consist of a primary product, an explanatory text, he final public presentation of the SW project, and the SW portfolio. 

See the Signature Work Conference and Exhibition section for more information on the final presentation. See the Signature Work Portfolio section for more information on the portfolio. See the Capstone 496 Evaluation: Creative/Design Projects for more information about those products.