Signature Work Research Grants

The Signature Work Research Grants (SWRG) are provided to help defray research expenses for DKU student signature work (SW) projects. The SW research grant makes funds available to purchase approved supplies and equipment (nondurable goods) for SW-related research projects. It may also be used to pay research participants in IRB-approved studies when appropriate. Grants may not be used to buy personal items, books, pay for training or classes, data storage, or to pay salaries. In general, the grants will only pay for disposable items, not reusable equipment, although exceptions will be considered with suitable justification. Any reusable equipment purchased using SWRG money is the property of Duke Kunshan University.


The supported work may be carried out during the academic year or the summer months. The research may be the student’s independent research idea, or it may be related to a DKU faculty member’s research. For the latter, the grant should explain why additional funds from the SWRG program are needed. DKU will generally not provide research expenses for a student doing experiential learning with a non-DKU faculty.


The grants are awarded on a competitive basis, and funds may not be adequate to fund all proposals. The maximum amount of the SW Research Grant is RMB 3250. A small number of supplemental awards (up to an additional 6750 RMB, for a maximum total award of 10,000 RMB) are available through the Signature Fund (SF) (see SF Call for Proposals below). Because there is a limit to how many students will be awarded an SF, please only apply for the SF if the extra funding is needed to successfully execute your project. Students who require larger amounts are encouraged to seek alternate funding sources. They should also consult with their SW mentor on how they might revise their project to reduce costs. All funds must be used before the final due date of the SW project in the senior year. All expenses must be documented with a fapiao in order to be reimbursed. All fapiao must be submitted for reimbursement according to the six-month accounting cycle described in the dates and deadlines below, and outlined in the award letter. Spending above the awarded grant amount will not be reimbursed.


Students must submit a copy of their final SW Project Abstract to DKU Undergraduate Studies by the SW submission deadline. Students must also submit a copy of their budget documenting how the funding was spent and explaining any deviations from the original budget. Students awarded the SF will be required to write a thank you note showing their gratitude for the donors’ generous contribution to the SF fund. The Development Office may ask students to participate in other activities, including meeting with donors or making a video.



All publications, conference posters or presentations, or other means of dissemination resulting from work supported by an SWRG and/or SF should acknowledge funding from the Duke Kunshan University Signature Work Research Grant program and/or the Duke Kunshan University Signature Fund program. A copy of the publication or conference paper, poster, or abstract should be submitted to DKU Undergraduate Studies


For more information, deadlines, and how to apply for the SWRG, visit the Office of Undergraduate Studies webpage:  Contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies or the Office of Signature Work if you have any questions regarding the SWRG.

The Signature Fund (SF) is a grant provided to supplement funding provided through the Signature Work Research Grant (SWRG) or Student Experiential Learning Fellowship (SELF) programs. The funds for this grant were generously donated by the parents of DKU students.

SELF covers costs associated with doing an off-campus Experiential Learning (EL) activity related to a student’s Signature Work project and SWRG provides funding to help defray research expenses for Signature Work projects. In instances where the funds provided by those grants are insufficient to complete the experience or project, students can apply for an SF for funding above the SELF or SWRG limits.


The grants are awarded on a competitive basis. The maximum amount of this supplemental grant is 6750 for SWRG supplements and RMB 10,000 for SELF supplements. All funds must be used before the final due date of the SW project in the senior year. Because there is a limit to how many students will be awarded an SF, please only apply if the extra funding is needed to successfully execute your project. Also, only request the amount you need up to the maximum amount. You can apply for less if that is all you require. All expenses must be documented with a fapiao in order to be reimbursed. All fapiao must be submitted for reimbursement according to the six month accounting cycle described in the SWRG call for proposals, and outlined in the award letter. Spending above the awarded grant amount will not be reimbursed.

The supported work may be carried out during the academic year or the summer months. The research may be the student’s independent research idea, or it may be related to a DKU faculty member’s research. For the latter, the grant should explain why the additional funds from the SF program are needed. DKU will generally not provide research expenses for a student doing experiential learning with a non-DKU faculty. See the SELF and SWRG calls for proposals for additional details on how funds may be spent.


The SF program is open to any DKU junior or senior student who is a recipient of a SELF or SWRG. A student may only receive one SF.

Students doing team-based signature work projects for their SWRG are welcome to apply, but the total amount requested for the entire team may not exceed 20,000 RMB for 2-person teams and 30,000 RMB for teams with 3 or more members. Students should apply as a team.

Applying for the SF

SF applicants should still apply for the SELF or SWRG (or both) within the guidelines and budget limits of those grants. Because there will only be a limited number of SF’s awarded, it is critical that students plan a budget for their respective project that is within the limit of the SELF or SWRG. Students will be given the opportunity to apply for the SF at the same time they apply for a SELF or SWRG. There will be an option included in the online application to indicate that the student is also applying for the SF.

Upon indicating that the SELF or SWRG application includes the SF, students will be prompted to:

1) Provide a detailed justification for why the additional funds would significantly improve the quality of the experience or project.

2) For SELF applicants, provide a proposed budget for the supplemental amount, including projected one-time costs (such as travel to and from EL site, visa), weekly costs and total (such as housing, but do NOT include DKU housing), or any other costs. For SWRG applicants, include a budget for the supplemental amount itemizing materials, supplies, equipment, or other research-based costs.


The same reporting requirements for the SELF and SWRG apply for the SF. See the SELF and SWRG call for proposals for details. These reports will be provided to the donors. In addition. students will be required to write a thank you note showing their gratitude for the donors’ generous contribution to the SF fund. The Development Office may ask students to participate in other activities, including meeting with donors or making a video.

Acknowledgment: All publications, conference posters or presentations, or other means of dissemination resulting from work supported by an SF should acknowledge funding from the Duke Kunshan University Signature Fund program, as well as the SELF or SWRG programs.

Dates and Deadlines

See the SELF call for proposals for all deadlines. SF recipients will be announced at the same time SELF Round 1 and Round 2 applicants are notified.

See the SWRG call for proposals for all deadlines. SWRG applicants are notified on a rolling basis. Because we need to be able to evaluate SF applications simultaneously, there is an earlier deadline for SWRG applicants choosing to also apply for the SF.


Application Review

The SF is administered by the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies. SF applications associated with SWRG are reviewed by the Signature Work Committee. SF applications associated with SELF are reviewed by the SELF/SRS review committee.


Contact DKU Undergraduate Studies at  or the Signature Work Office

The Student Experiential Learning Fellowships (SELF) program supports EL for SW that is NOT directly connected to faculty research programs. SELF generally covers the costs of participating in such activities as housing, travel, and visa/work permits. The projects are student-designed or student-arranged and generally take place off campus. Activities might include the following:

  • Research with faculty at another university—including Duke, Wuhan, Westlake—or government, private, or industrial facility

  • Internship, field work, volunteer work, any other experiential activity.

The student applies for SELF, with support from their SW mentor.

The goal of SELF is to provide students with funding to do an EL they would not otherwise be able to afford to do. Note that the SELF EL activity might be an EXPERIENCE rather than a research project. That is fine, as long as it relates to the overall SW project. Coursework and credit-bearing activities are generally not covered.

For more information, deadlines, and how to apply for the SELF, visit the Office of Undergraduate Studies webpage:

Contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies if you have any questions regarding the SELF program

The Summer Research Scholars (SRS) program funds faculty–student collaborative research projects. These projects are generally part of a faculty research program. The program aids faculty in their research activities by providing undergraduate student researchers for whom the projects must be meaningful as well as educationally valuable. The student should be intellectually contributing to the project, playing a role similar to that of a graduate student. The SRS can count toward the student’s EL requirement for SW and the research will generally contribute to the student’s SW project. The application is initiated by the faculty. Faculty apply for the funding, and the students then apply directly to the faculty. Some faculty may already have research students working with them.

The goal of SRS is to provide students and faculty mentors with a mutually beneficial research experience.

For more information, deadlines, and how to apply for the SRS, visit the Office of Undergraduate Studies webpage:

Contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies if you have any questions regarding the SRS program